Friday, February 24, 2012

Max Wyman Time 2-24

So I have decided to not video blog everyday, because I can see where it might get a little monotonous.  Not for me of course, but for the viewers it could be a little boring.  So, as of now I have decided to switch it up every now and then.  As you can tell by our first video blog yesterday, the dynamic was a little shaky, but we managed to get our story out and even share a few laughs.  Yesterday we slept 12 hours ate a hearty breakfast, thanks to, none other than, Phillip.  I had a small inkling that there might be Nutella waiting for me on the table, and when I walked down the full 8 flight of stairs to the kitchen, there she was, in all her glory.  I lathered up two pieces of white bread and gorged myself with the sweetest artificial chocolate known to man.  I ate two Nutella sandwiches and then three cheese and butter sandwiches, one cup of fusion tea, and two glasses of orange juice.  I was feelin' good.  Jason and I went back up to our room, showered and then made our video blog.  After that we got dressed and went out to explore the city of Brussels.  We had a set list of places we wanted to visit, but as soon as we got our of the Hostel, those plans dissolved, and we were found playing on a jungle gym we had found a couple blocks from the hostel.  We were just two kids playing in the city of Brussels, without a care in the world.  Should we be in college, sitting in on some ridiculously boring GE class?  Yea maybe, but 100% probably not.  This gap year has been the most amazing journey for both of us, and we can't see ourselves doing anything differently.  After we were done playing on the jungle gym we wandered farther and farther into the city, until we were greeted by an amazing view overlooking the city.  We took a few minutes to appreciate the spectacular view of the unimaginable, and then we kept walking down streets.  We walked for a long while  until we found an awesome skatepark that really sparked my interest.  We walked in the skatepark, and it looked like a fun place to goof around in with a skateboard, but unfortunately this trip I decided not to bring my board with me.  The skatepark really made me feel at a loss.  After the skatepark we decided to go see Magritte's Museum, who was a famous artist from Belgium.  It only cost 2 euro to enter, so we were more than happy to pay our way in.  We walked around for awhile taking in all the artwork, and I wasn't much familiar with Magritte's work, until we came to our last gallery.  I was unaware that his most famous painting was the Empire of Lights.  I think thats what its called at least, and when I first layer eyes on the painting I had to take a seat, because it blew me away.  I sat there for a good 10 minutes taking in all of the glory that was on the wall.  Such a brilliant idea, and executed so perfectly.  For that, we thank you Magritte.  After the museum we walked to find ourselves an authentic place to eat lunch, and ,of course, stumbled upon a tourist trap.  We ate at a kebab restaurant that actually wasn't half bad, but was over expensive.  We sat and ate for a good hour and a half, just reminiscing on the camp days we had.  When we got caught up in conversation it almost seemed like outside of the restaurant wasn't Belgium.  That when we were in a trance talking about camp, the world seemed to stop, and wherever we were was home.  After we ate we decided to come back to the Hostel, and relax for a little.  I played some guitar while Jason did some croqueting, and then we took a short hour nap.  When we barely woke up, we got dressed and asked Phillip where we could eat dinner/ go out for a drink.  He gave us the name of a pub L'Union.  This place was a classically authentic pub.  The authenticity that every tourist is always searching for.  We barely managed to order our food in English, and got two Westmalle Trippel's.  After getting the beer down, and feeling a little more relaxed Jason started up a conversation with some English speakers that were also at the pub.  Turns out we hung out with three EU Parliament workers.  One was from Italy, one from Ireland, and one from Sweden.  They were all extremely intelligent, worldly, and very sarcastic.  They were extremely fun to hang out with, and overall spent an hour and a half talking with them.  They recommended we get another special beer, while we there called Civey, before they left.  After our last beer we decided to take our ship home.  We walked back to the Hostel, and hung out with a new roommate we had just met from Venezuela.  The first thing he asked us was if he could play our guitar for a little.  He has played for ten years, he told us.  Of course, we told him, we would be honored.  When we went back up to our room, he took out the guitar, and quite frankly was a little shaky with the instrument at first.  Later did we find out that he was more of an electric guitarist rather than an acoustic.  He played for awhile, and then when we told him we were about to fall asleep he peacefully placed the guitar back into the case, and we all collectively went to bed.  Maybe tomorrow will be a video blog day, who knows.

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